Thursday, January 19, 2006

Malaysia's Most Beautiful?? I Don't Think So...

What do you get when you pick around 30 women from Malaysia and put them together in a reality show? Well you will get nothing but a show full of rubbish. I simply don’t understand how can people call that show ‘Malaysia’s Most Beautiful’. To me personally, this show should be showing people what outer and inner beauty all about. Instead we get cheap women who think so highly of themselves backstabbing each other in the show.

I didn’t watch that show from the very beginning. Only join the ‘craze’ towards the end with only 5 of them remaining. Everyone in that show talks about being Malaysia’s most beautiful woman by being beautiful both inside and out. Trust me when I say this…Malaysian women tend to lie when it comes to this. Physically, they are all very perfect. Every one of them has got a nice and lovely face. They also have perfect bodies and by perfect I mean they have a pair of arms and legs, body which is without any ‘flaws’. To me, that is beautiful.
OK! I lied! It would be better if they would have hour glass figure with measurement of 36-24-36, long sexy pair of leg and…. C’mon no need for me to describe, just let your imagination run wild.

When it comes to inner beauty, none and I really mean NONE of them have them. Just pick any girls on the street and I can guarantee you that this girl will have a better personality and heart and deserve the title more than anyone of those women in that show. They have already shown sign of greediness when they join and compete for this title. Then, in every episode of the show you get to see ladies backstabbing each other and faking around each other just to be that nice girl. That is seriously not BEAUTIFUL!!! But this show is good in a sense that it shows how cunning and cruel and bitchy and fake and blah blah yap yappy a girl can really be.

Well thank god the show is ending next week. Yes people! It’s down to the final two. And if you watch it next week, you will be able to see which girl is called Malaysia’s Most Beautiful…rubbish. Those interested, you can watch the grand finale next Thursday (27th January) at 9.30 pm only on 8TV. (Note: for Malaysians only)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

24 - It's the longest day of my life

Ever watched the show ‘24’ starring Kiefer Sutherland? I never watched that show so I don’t know what it is about. But the story is something about Kiefer Sutherland’s character experiencing some big problem in a day of his life making it the longest day of his life. Well, today, I experience THE LONGEST DAY OF MY LIFE.

I‘ve met Mr. Ong and attended the interview for my BAR list yesterday and today respectively. The meeting with Mr. Ong went on smoothly and nicely. I was required to submit my tutorials to him tomorrow (Friday) to be examined. And I am currently 98% done with those tutorials. So no problem here….

The interview went very badly from the way I see it. Mr. Wan, the Head of Mechanical Division lead the interview. Mr. Choy, my Mechanics of Solids lecturer, Miss Sim, the registrar for School of Technology and Miss Goay Lay Ni, a lecturer was there as well. Mr. Wan was playing Mr. BAD GUY in there. He was so determined to get me barred from my exam. Mr. Choy was Mr. I-don’t-know-what-to-say-so-I’ll-just-keep-my-mouth-shut; he tried to get me out of trouble… I can tell that he was trying. But my gratitude and appreciation goes out to Miss Goay. She was the only one on that room that was sticking up for me. After I left Mr. Wan’s office, Miss Goay came out of the office to talk to me. She gave me a good piece of advice. She told me to talk to my lecturer when I attend my class tomorrow morning.

Well I can’t do anything right now but to wait for their answer tomorrow. It sucks big time just waiting and waiting and knowing you cannot do anything anymore. I’m praying very hard here that I don’t have to go through another year just for one freaking subject like what I did during my diploma year. But if He was to give me the same shit again and waste another year in college, I would most probably drop out and get myself a job. In fact I already have a job in hand. My plans are to help my dad out with his business in Johor. I’ve talked to him and his business partner. They are willing to send me overseas for training if I were to join them. I am considering my options now.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My "FIRST"s in 2006

When I said that my 2006 going smoothly, well I LIED!!! It’s the first week of 2006 and my days are going down the drain… I woke up this morning to my friend’s call. I answered…

“Hey you woke up already?”
“Yeah…why? What’s wrong?”
“You are
in the BAR list la”
(Shocked, with eyes wide open)”HUH!! WHAT??!?!?!”
“OK OK…I’ll go over to college to check now”
I was lost. Trying to figure out whether they tried to play a prank on me or it’s the real thing. Well the BAR list is a list for those with unsatisfactory attendance in class. So I drove to college only to find out that IT IS THE REAL THING!!! Thanks to my laziness I got myself into BIG SHIT problem now. I will have to attend an interview tomorrow. If I can pass that interview, the college will allow me to take my exam (which is in 2 weeks time) or else I’M IN DEEP SHIT!

To make matter worst, I just receive a call from my friend just few minutes ago telling me that my mathematics lecturer, the ‘ever loving’ Mr. Ong would like to see me regarding my coursework. I can very well tell that this is another BIG SHIT for me.

TO HELL WITH 2006!!!
P.S: This is the first time that I am in the BAR list and the very first time that I have problem with my coursework hence explaining the title for this entry

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Goodbye 2005, Hello 2006

2005 has been a wonderful year for me. There have been a lot of ups and downs throughout the whole year. I would love to give you guys my “2005: A year in review” but all you guys can see is the word, 'BORING' from January to December. But here are some of the highlights of my 2005.

After a year of absence from college, I finally returned to college in May. I started my new term in college with a bunch of brand new course mates. They are a very nice bunch of friends who never fails to be there whenever I need them. But then there were still some of those old pals whom I still hang out together.

Then it was August. This was when I met a special girl. Her name is Eunice and she is my current partner. She is a very nice and cheerful girl. I’m not going to say much about her, people might think I want to show off. But as long as I am happy, anything is fine… Then there’s the haze that gave everyone trouble. It was so bad until a guy actually couldn’t see the road and knocked into my car. Ok ok… I lied. He hit my car because he was driving dangerously. But the haze was so bad that everyone was advise to wear a mask. I bought mine that evening and the next day the haze was gone. Bloody hell… wasted my money on those masks…

September was the time when I got serious because it was exam!!! I thought I did well but I was wrong. Failed one paper and I can only resit for that paper in the third semester. Other than the exam, nothing much happened.

was the month that I grew up. I officially became and adult. My size, attitude and the way I talk might not show my age, but I am 21. I left the teenage world and step my foot into the adult world.

November and December passed and now it’s January 2006. I celebrated Christmas in Singapore. The sad part of that trip was that my mum and my uncle couldn't make it as they fell victims to two snatch thieves just the night before we were scheduled to leave for Singapore. They were injured and this made travelling a hassle for the both of them. 2006 is so far so good. It’s a good start so far… Manchester United thrashed Bolton Wanderers 4-1, I enjoyed my time counting down with my friends and girlfriend, although I didn’t manage to join the street party in Bintang Walk, but I managed to catch the fireworks too… I don’t really believe in New Year resolutions but I SERIOUSLY need to change my bad habit of procrastinating or it will surely get me into trouble.

People stopping beside the highway in Jalan Ampang to catch the fireworks display

The view of Petronas Twin Towers from where we were standing

New year and a new pair of Nike's, What a way to kick off the new year

I wish 2006 will be a good year for me and everyone and to this world. I hope there will not be any natural disaster and nothing-better-to-do terrorist activities. It’s time for every one of us to do something good and nice to each other before time runs out.